Residential | QEC Skip to main content

We welcome families from all over Victoria to our residential programs at Noble Park.

Our role is to support you along the way...

and we understand that every family is on their own unique parenting journey.

Parent reading book to toddler in QEC PlayRoom.

Our residential programs offer intensive support to parents with children aged from newborn until their 4th birthday across all areas of parenting, including:

  • sleep and settling
  • feeding challenges
  • behaviour management
  • parent-to-child bonding

We partner with you to make sure that you can create sustainable routines and goals, so that all children have the best start in life.

Parents and carers can self-refer to QEC. Once your referral is received and processed, our Assessment and Intake team will contact you. Together you can discuss your needs and parenting goals, and choose a program best suited for your family.

Welcome to QEC - Virtual Tour